Tracy Danet Studio painting an interior residential mural of a botanical plant design featuring big beautiful monstera leaves.

What is the process to get a mural in my space?

The first thing to do is contact me by filling out the mural inquiry form
so we can book a time to chat about your ideas. After our consultation,
you’ll receive a moodboard and an estimate for your project. Then I create
3 custom designs for you to choose from, with one round of revisions
if necessary, and then it’s time to paint!


How long does it take to paint a mural?
What kind of paint do you use?

It all depends! The time varies by how large/how detailed the mural is.
I typically use interior/exterior flat paint depending on the location of the mural.
You can add on a mural sealer if we collectively decide that it
is the best way long term to protect it from the elements as well.


How far do you travel for a mural?

I’m based in the south Chicago suburbs currently, and yes I do travel for work!
Travel fees are based on how far the commute/travel is.
Travel accommodations will be billing separately from the mural price.

How much is a mural?

It’s always different, and there are a lot of factors that make up the price of a mural.
It depends on location, scale, detail, texture of the wall, and so on.
The base price of a mural ranges from $1,800-3,500.


“This is exactly what I want!”
Will you copy this picture I saw online?

I love that you found art that you like, but no I cannot do that. We don’t want
to copy someone else’s work, but we can talk about artistic elements that you are drawn
to about that picture and create something uniquely inspired by it. :)